TOM LEONARD’S EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION As our store expands and business grows, we are hiring honest and enthusiastic people to join our team. Click here to view current job openings on Employment Application Identification First Name * Middle Name Last Name * Address * Street City * City State * State Zip Code * Zip Code How Long Have You Lived At This Address? * Phone * Email Address * Are you either a U.S. Citizen or an alien who has legal right to remain and work in the U.S.? * Yes No (you will be required to furnish proof of lawful work status if you are extended a job offer) Are you at least 16 years old? * Yes No Have you been convicted of a crime other than a traffic violation? * Yes No If yes, please explain and give date, circumstances, nature and disposition of case: Employment Interest Position applying for: Please mark your 1st and 2nd choice. * Bakery Produce Cashier Garden/Seasonal Kitchen/Deli Popcorn OtherOther If you are applying for a management position, please attach resume here. Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum upload size: 10MB What hours are you available for work? Please indicate day and hours: Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Total number of hours willing to work a week: * Would you be willing to work overtime? * Yes No Are you presently employed? * Date you can start work: * Referred by: * Own Initiative Advertising Road Sign Newspaper Flyer in Store School OtherOther Tom Leonard Team MemberTom Leonard Team Member Skills & Education High School * Name & Address Course of Study Last Grade Completed * Did You Graduate? * Yes No Diploma * College Name & Address Course of Study Years Completed Did You Graduate? * Yes No Degree Do you know any team member currently working at Tom Leonard's? * Yes No If yes, whom? Why are you applying to Tom Leonard's? * Work Experience Even if you submit a resume, please list your work experience below, beginning with your present or most recent employer. Please include any summer, part-time or volunteer experience. Present or Most Recent Employer * Dates of Employment * Address * Street City * City State * State Zip Code * Zip Code Name of Immediate Supervisor Phone # Title Department Starting Salary Present/Ending Salary Job Title - Start Job Title - Present/Termination Reason for Leaving/Wanting to Leave Major Responsibilities Add Another Employer Signature Applicant's Signature * Clear Date * Anti-SPAM Tool